As Winter Ends The Light Returns


Abundant Art

Life is good here at my River Garden Studio... and this year promises to be filled with an abundance of Art and Creativity

And Teaching My Art. 

I have discovered that when I teach, it is not just my processes and techniques that I want to share... but for me to guide you in becoming more creative, and embracing the stories that you share in your art making.
— roxanne evans stout

I taught a wonderful workshop at The Art Department in Salem, Oregon called A Book of Trees. My students were Exuberant! Here is a book created by Kathy Gottfried. Isn't it stunning?

I will be traveling to some of the places that I love, and exploring new places that I have always dreamt about. I will be collaborating with friends, both in my teaching and in special art projects that you will hear about soon.


This winter has had it's ups and downs. I am sure everyone feels that in some way. And for those of us who live in Oregon on this side of the Cascade Mountains, it is not over yet.

But I have loved my days, my transition into my new studio... and ever watchful of the changing light.


I have two big retreats coming up in just a month, and lots of projects to design, create and refine.

They are back to back so I will be gone from home longer than I have been for ages. 

A Case of Curiosities is a workshop that I teach with a dear friend, Seth Apter of The Altered Page, in Taos New Mexico in March. If you can't make this workshop we will be teaching it there again in October. 

The magic at Mabel Dodge Luhan House is unmistakable and something that is felt by everyone who visits there. We have just one or two spots left in March, and October is filling up quickly!


And Art and Soul is a wonderful retreat in Portland, Oregon. I taught for Glenny at Art and Soul last year, in Virginia Beach, and was so warmly welcomed that I can't wait to see everyone again!

I will be teaching three wonderful workshops there, and registration is still open. Below is a photo-collage of some beautiful student work from The Alchemist's Book of Treasures.


In the SPRING I have two very special events...

a workshop here at River Garden Studio

when it is the most beautiful.

We will create outside under the Maple Trees, with a backdrop of a Pine Forest and the sounds of Song Birds singing their garden songs. 

I am teaching with the lovely Tonia Jenny and this unique workshop is called: 

Archetypal Expressions


And in June I will be teaching in Vieux Quebec

which is considered one of the most beautiful places in the world!

This workshop is named after my book,

Storytelling with Collage

and you can find out more about it and register at

Arts and Cultural Travel.

Don't forget to check out the Itinerary, our days will be filled with exploring, art making, collecting and gathering and all sorts of delightful endeavors!

Please email me if you have any questions and don't forget about my online workshops, especially if you can't attend a live one!

Also, I will be having two artist books shown at the Relics and Ruins Show at Atelier 6000 Gallery in Bend, Oregon. The opening is Friday, March 3rd and I would love to see you there!

Roxanne Evans Stout